Hummingbirds are important pollinators

Since honey bees are on the decline, hummingbirds are another reliable source of pollination in your yard.

So if you have a sweet flower garden, you may have some perennial tenants that you didn’t even know about, but could desperately use to have around

The USFWS also added a few powerful words about what to do if you happen to find one of these nests out in nature.

They write: "Hummingbird eggs are tiny, about the size of jelly beans! Please remember to carefully check for nests before you trim trees and shrubs."

Their warning is important for all of us, since hummingbirds live all throughout America. Whether you’re a homeowner or a city-dweller

You always have an opportunity to stumble upon a nesting ground when you’re outside.

The post Wildlife Experts Warn About These Tiny Nests In Your Yard appeared first on The Garden Magazine.




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